Monday, 27 April 2015

Earth Series - The beggining

Earth , what a strange thing. Only planet among billions of stars which supports life as known to man. Imagine the chance given to you and 99.9999999999 human life ends without knowing there was a chance.

Being earth itself is unique and having a human form is even more so. But, we love the matrix and like to get lost in the matrix when we can not, we seek other help such as alcohol, drugs and still we find we can not loose ourselves. In the end we still remember all our sorrows and sufferings.

So what is so unique about us ? Is suffering unique ? Is that the purpose of our human life form? To accumulate suffering and try to find escapism. Who gains by this game ?  Our every needs seems so big at times and when you stand apart watch the game every things looks so silly. Who is the player and who is the referree and what the hell the game itself is ? The more we think we get no answers and that is because there is nobody with answers. Does that mean there are no answers ?

Earth itself has evolved and provides everything and takes back everything. Do you think man invented or created nuclear energy or it was there all the time ? It was only harvested. Only a human brain was required to think about it and it was harvested. but why ?

So what is Earth doing in the bigger cosmic term.  Earth has trapped certain amount of cosmic energy and material. With that it has allowed numerous life forms to be created. It provides them, preserves and if required destroys them. Then the earth was forced with a bigger challenge, it has human being with higher conscious level. Is it earth's doing that we are here or we are here to challange earth. When every others species surrendered to Earth as a species and has accepted their fate from earth, human beings will not. They want to survive at all odds as species. As if they carried the memory from one apocalypse to other. In Scientific terms the Survival as species is the reason for all the development and advancements in life and technology.

The eastern philosophy has always held individual liberation as the ultimate goal of life. The scientific goal and individual goal do they meet or do they contradict. be continued

Saturday, 25 April 2015

What are you thinking , Dear ?

A common expression we have used so many times in our life and ever wondered why ? The question came to my mind today. Is it because we want to fulfil every wish of our partner and is it in that eagerness do we ask? Or is it because we are worried whether we are there in that thoughts or not ? Or is it simply because we ask the question out of our guilty consciousness because we ourselves were lost in thoughts.

How many of us are ready to accept that it is due to our guilty consciousness that we ask that question? We must accept , acceptances provide the needed steps in the path towards self realization.
Ponder over it and when you have accepted it continue reading further.
What is that guilt and where does it come from ? It is not possible that we always think about our partner ? The why feel guilt ?

The Guilt is not because we were thinking about something else not our partner, it is because we were thinking when there is no need to think. The guilt is because we wasted the opportunity of not to think. Nature's provided mediation tool is your partner and when we have wasted it, of-course we feel guilty. Leave the balance to your imagination how to meditate with/upon your partner.


Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Security - drives development to what purpose ?

Human development has been driven by one and only thing that is sense of security. As long as the man cared only for food and reproduction he could live and happily dwell in forests and caves. Those who surrendered themselves to the nature and tuned their lives to their immediate nature, could live and even today still surviving as tribes.

But those who did not want to surrender started thinking. They wanted to be sure they will have food tomorrow and will have partners to reproduce. So Instead of just taking and using what nature provided them, they started possessing things, like food , partners etc.

Then with the impartiality set-in between the people, that is those who have more and those who have less. This brought greed and fights. Then someone thought a social order is required and brought cutsoms like marriages, family and so.

People had no time for compassion and love as long they thought they do not have enough. When they thought they had enough they could develop compassion and love for others and naturally it gave them power over others because they could do what other's could not.

The power gave them freedom to explore themselves and surrounding to develop art and culture. The artists were born. With art and culture they developed knowledge.

With knowledge He started asking question why we exists and so on ? Religion was born.
With freedom, knowledge and religion He pondered ... and pondered and found ultimately that we need to give up desires to be  happy and released of the karmic bonds. (BUDDHAHOOD)

What did the other sect of people(tribes) did without going through this cycle they tuned to the environment and lived in the moment, with no thinking about future. They accepted nature as it is and lived in the moment.

What did we do we resisted nature and in the end reached the same conclusion , but what a (damaging) change we have brought upon earth to find the same answer.

Until and unless there is bigger purpose than individual liberation, the whole human development would have no purpose served. What is that purpose for the human development ?

Monday, 20 April 2015

Gandhi - Who is he ?

When Gandhi was thrown out of the First class compartment in South Africa only did he realise that what the upper class Brahmin's have been doing to Low class men in India for ages. He himself a Brahmin never was in the receiving end and he never had to experience before that time such humiliation from a fellow human being based on his birth alone.

As it is said,  before we point out others dirt clean you own house first. So first Gandhi's first Struggle was to free Indian upper class people's mind from the clutches of class system and untouchability.
For him free India was not an issue as long as people mind set has not changed. He was never ready to accept freedom because the people very not ready yet as they themselves have been practicing slavery.

In my strongest opinion India was not ready to receive freedom in Gandhi's terms. But it happened due to many reasons but not definitely good ones.

So what was Gandhi and what he wanted. The people who followed him called him "Bapu", means father. He was guiding people for a righteous life. Today he would have been called as a Guru or more aptly SathGuru. Only he thing he practiced was to live by the truth. There is a Gross mis-conception of understanding what is truth here.

 On every moment of his life he lived truly to that moment only. This will not be always good for the people around him. If we have experienced to live close by Guru's you will understand that. As it happened around Gandhi what he spoke and did not make everyone happy. But he did not live to make others happy he only lived truly.  He only talked to people souls and he believed all souls are essentially good and so the British soul too.

 As was a long time tradition noble people and politicians go to holy men for advice even on state matters, people went to him for advice. He advised on political matters too but only truly to him. But others have misunderstood because he did not know any other way of talking. He was not a scheming politician.

He was a SathGuru practicing truth only. One of the most misunderstood figures in India History is Gandhi. I hope time will rectify that. He had hoped for bigger things for India and Indian People may be to humanity itself, than just getting India free from British. Gandhi freedom struggle continues in us as we have not achieved what he had hoped for.

Friday, 17 April 2015

Understanding Pain

Last nite I had a stomach pain. It was  not so severe but could not sleep. I started to focus on the pain to understand it. I felt pain and I wanted to know what is it. I kept focussing till it will become clear to me. Sounds crazy but try it next time when you have pain. May be is the best mode to meditate upon.

What was finally revealed to me was, the body part in pain more pressure than the other parts. The blood flow to that particular part was high. I kept my awareness of the pain and went in to it and simultaneously kept watching my breath. After some 18 minutes, the pain was reducing was gone finally.
Pain is the way body communicates to you. Understand and respond to it if you can, just do not simply pop pain killers.

Some women get stomach pain eveymonth and I am sure they understand it better than me..

What about head pain can we do the same ? I don't think so .....

Thursday, 16 April 2015

When will that day Come ?

I am writing this blog to empty my mind hoping one day I have nothing more to write.
So as to become thoughtless and merge with the formless.
Longing for even one moment that will pass without a thought
When will that day come
Till then bear with me..

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

Life is not searching

Life is not searching. Why spent all the time to search what we do not have ? When will will we ever start living.....
there is nothing to search outside and nothing to search inside...
Time is ticking all the time....
It never wait for you to catch up If you get lost in the past
Nor it will catch if you fantasy future...
It only knows to tick.
So tick with that ....
Life is time and Time is life ...
Synchronise live life fully

Tuesday, 14 April 2015


Life is nothing but a series of moments. If we learn how to live in a moment wholesome we can live the whole life wholesum.