Friday, 17 April 2015

Understanding Pain

Last nite I had a stomach pain. It was  not so severe but could not sleep. I started to focus on the pain to understand it. I felt pain and I wanted to know what is it. I kept focussing till it will become clear to me. Sounds crazy but try it next time when you have pain. May be is the best mode to meditate upon.

What was finally revealed to me was, the body part in pain more pressure than the other parts. The blood flow to that particular part was high. I kept my awareness of the pain and went in to it and simultaneously kept watching my breath. After some 18 minutes, the pain was reducing was gone finally.
Pain is the way body communicates to you. Understand and respond to it if you can, just do not simply pop pain killers.

Some women get stomach pain eveymonth and I am sure they understand it better than me..

What about head pain can we do the same ? I don't think so .....


  1. PC... About headache/ pain... I have been having it many times in past few years... rest (sleep if possible, sometimes pain will not allow brain to go to sleep) has always solved - at maximum 8 hours of head ache... If stomach is OK a bit of coffee once helps for me. The other aspect is to avoid it again - that is noticing the habit that has changed & caused - usually lack of timely food or lack of timely sleep. That has been my experience with head ache... In my view your technique should work for head pain too...

  2. As you will In the case of Stomach Pain we concentrate on the pain we needs the mind and brain to work together to eliminate it. When the Mind is fully focussed on the Pain, he brain does the rest. For Head ache sleep will help if you can, otherwise another easy option is to have good and hearty conversation just velaing helps. No serious talks only just vela, try it next time


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